Strategic Planning

The Way Buyers Buy Has Changed Forever

Last week, the Business Marketing Association of Phoenix was treated to a keynote presentation by Marketo co-founder Jon Miller. At the high level, the key takeaway from his presentation was that the Internet has changed the way we evaluate and purchase products and services – forever. And the way we market and sell must change…Read More

News & Updates

The Marketing MO Partner Program

Over the years, many of you have asked about a partner program. Today, we’re excited to announce that it’s a reality. Introducing the Marketing MO Partner Program! Leverage our Virtual Marketing Team, co-branded, with you owning the client relationship to provide your clients the additional support they need … and the services you’ve always wanted…Read More

News & Updates

Getting Started with Marketing MO

If you’re just starting out with a Marketing MO preview account, check out this quick 1-minute demo to see how it works. Getting Started with Marketing MO From your homepage, you can access hundreds of step-by-step plans. Choose a category, then choose a plan. You can preview the steps here, and then download it to…Read More

Strategic Planning

Brand Strategy

Your brand is more than your logo, name or slogan — it’s the entire experience your prospects and customers have with your company, product or service. Your brand strategy defines what you stand for, a promise you make, and the personality you convey. And while it includes your logo, color palette and slogan, those are…Read More

Strategic Planning

Marketing Campaigns

For many companies, marketing campaigns are the main method for both communicating with their market to reinforce their positioning, and for customer acquisition. Good campaigns follow a theme and include a series of touches with the market. It’s noisy in the marketplace, and a message delivered once through a single medium rarely makes a difference….Read More

Strategic Planning

Marketing Plan and Budget

A marketing plan is a detailed roadmap that outlines your marketing strategies, tactics, costs and projected results over a period of time. Your marketing plan and budget keeps your entire team focused on specific goals – it’s a critical resource for your entire company. Some statistics have shown that up to 85% of small- to…Read More

Creative & Brand Development

Corporate Identity

When was the last time someone gave you a fantastic business card? Did you turn it over and look at it closely? Did you comment on it? And did you generate some sort of impression of that person and company? Corporate identity is an extension of your brand and includes everything with your logo or…Read More

Strategic Planning

CRM for Small Business

Customer relationship management, also known as CRM, is a term that refers to two things: A company’s strategy for managing leads and customer data Software that manages that data In its simplest form, CRM for small business is a database where sales and marketing teams store critical account data: Contact & account information (contact names, emails, phone…Read More

Creative & Brand Development

Business Development

Business development in the marketing process refers to high-level partnerships that generate revenue, create better products and/or increase efficiency. These partnerships can help you Access new markets Increase sales to existing markets Improve your access to technology Boost your productivity Gain capital (human or financial) In a true partnership, companies collaborate to achieve a common…Read More

Strategic Planning

Sales Management Strategy

Creating a sales management strategy is one of the easiest ways to increase your revenue and profitability. Sales management is about leading the people and process your company uses to sell to prospects and convert them into customers. Responsibilities include: Building the right sales strategy Hiring the right team Creating the right compensation plans, territories…Read More

Campaigns & Execution

When to Use Email Marketing

Email marketing has been a staple for consumer marketers since the mid-90s. A few years later, B2B marketers discovered its value, and email campaigns have become an important tool for businesses in all stages and industries. Yet many marketers just starting in the field are wondering when to use email marketing. Email marketing is a…Read More

News & Updates

New Director Version Released – Content Downloads to Microsoft Word Now Available

Many of our users have asked for the ability to download all of the guided content and marketing plans in the Marketing MO app into Microsoft Word. This would allow them to customize the content for training and client projects and add it to reports and presentations. Today we released a new version that allows…Read More

Campaigns & Execution

How to Use Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is about gaining visibility on search engines when users search for terms that relate to your business. For most companies, ranking highly in search results isn’t luck – it’s a result of solid effort in one or both categories of search marketing: Organic search (SEO): When you enter a keyword or phrase…Read More

Campaigns & Execution

Publicity for Business

Have you ever read a story about a company and then contacted them to learn more about their product or service? Or perhaps you’ve heard a CEO’s speech and found yourself researching the company later on? Publicity for business can be extremely valuable in building credibility and awareness for your company. For example, a legitimate…Read More

Campaigns & Execution

Online Advertising

Internet marketing isn’t just for consumer marketers or large B2B firms – it’s a powerful vehicle for companies of all sizes, including small to mid-market companies. Online advertising offers marketers an opportunity to reach very broad or very targeted prospects to generate leads, communicate a message and raise visibility. The term “online advertising” refers to…Read More

Campaigns & Execution

How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value

  Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the amount of profit a customer delivers to your company for as long as the customer is buying from you. It’s typically calculated as the net present value (the value in today’s dollars) of the profit you’ll earn from all of a customer’s purchases over time. When you understand how to…Read More

Campaigns & Execution

Marketing Vendors

Have you ever had a difficult time selecting your marketing vendors? Even with years of experience in a particular area, it can be a time-consuming process. It’s even more difficult if you’re hiring a marketing vendor for a function you don’t know very well. Selecting marketing vendors is an important part of the marketing process because…Read More

Campaigns & Execution

Recruiting a Marketing Manager or Team

What’s the difference between a great company that outperforms the market and an average company? Great products, services, strategies and execution … and your employees are responsible for those successes. A company can accomplish far more with a strong team in place than it can with an average team. Recruiting a marketing manager or team is…Read More

Strategic Planning

Repeating the Marketing Process

If you’ve read through all of this material (which you can download in our ebook to read offline), you’ve probably identified some opportunities to improve your marketing strategies and execution. As you’ve seen, your success in any one area can be dramatically impacted by the strategic & tactical subjects that come earlier in the process….Read More

Campaigns & Execution

Generating Ideas for Marketing Campaigns

Your marketing calendar calls for three new campaigns to launch in the next 90 days. Business goals are outlined, but you’re under the gun to come up with something fresh … and effective. You’ve met with your creative team, but your ideas for marketing campaigns are all tired, or not very good. If you’re a B2C marketer…Read More