Creative & Brand Development

How to Build a Brand With Personality

how to build a brand with personalityWe often talk about the importance of branding in B to B marketing.  Every time you communicate with prospects and clients – on the phone, the web, in a campaign or a meeting – you have a chance to reinforce your value proposition and differentiate from your competitors.

But it’s difficult to create a brand personality that stands out.  Here’s an example of a company that’s done it.

Emma is an email service provider competing in a very crowded market.  It’s a serious business with many variables – technology, deliverability tactics, pricing structures, volume requirements, creative services, etc.  A buyer may need to do a lot of research to select the right vendor for the project.  And it’s even more confusing for prospects who are buying for the first time.

An Example of a Brand With Personality

To stand out, Emma focuses on two things – simplicity and service – and delivers on this strategy from the moment you first hear the company’s name.  If you stumbled across Emma, what would you think?

  • Do you wonder what they do and want to learn more?  I do…
  • Do you remember the name?  I do…
  • Is it easy to envision a friendly, service-oriented company?  Absolutely.

Look how much they’ve achieved with the name alone!  That’s a brand with personality. But consistency is key – they have to keep delivering these messages in everything they do.

Take their website.  If you’re in Emma’s business, your website has to differentiate, generate leads, move prospects through the sales process, generate demo requests and help close deals – all in a short timeframe.  Tall order!

brand with personality

This site is simple and friendly.  There are just four main navigation icons across the top with further links in the body of the page.  It’s logical and very easy to jump in and start reading.

Next up – copy.  Copy is everything – the lifeblood and personality of your organization.  If you visit their site, you’ll understand what I mean.  The writing is simple but filled with personality.  Every company shouldn’t write like Emma, but remember:  Even if your own product is highly technical, you still need to engage your prospect.  Watch out for long-winded, lifeless copy.  Even a technical buyer is a person.

How do you show the concept of “great service?”  One opportunity:  your “about us” page.  Emma lists every employee that works for the company, and everyone has a detailed profile of the same length.  Everyone has a photo and they’re all fresh-scrubbed and smiling, so it’s easy to pick up the phone and call or shoot them an email.

build brand personality

Which is exactly what I did last week Friday evening.  Their general mailbox isn’t “info@,” it’s “hi@.”  I sent them a note complimenting their site and got an email back from one of the founders (Clint) an hour later.

I didn’t tell him I was planning to write about him.  I wasn’t.  It’s just that six days later their company is still fresh in my mind.  That’s powerful B to B branding!

Think about your prospects, customers, vendors and partners.  Do you know what each one stands for?  And do they know what you stand for?  If not, you have an opportunity to seize.

What other B to B companies deliver on a distinct brand promise every time they touch the market?  How do they implement that strategy on a day-to-day basis?  And what can we all learn from them?



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